author = "Michael W. Godfrey",
title = "Practical data exchange for reverse engineering frameworks: some requirements, some experience, some
headaches: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes: Vol 26, No 1
year = "2001",
pages = "50–52",
journal = "ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes",
volume = "26",
number = "1"
Plain Text
Michael W. Godfrey, "Practical data exchange for reverse engineering frameworks: some requirements, some experience, some
headaches: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes: Vol 26, No 1
," ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, pp. 50–52
Cite "A Lightweight Architecture Recovery Process"
author = "Davor Svetinovic and Michael W. Godfrey",
title = "A Lightweight Architecture Recovery Process",
year = "2001",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the SoftWare Architecture Recovery and Modelling"
Plain Text
Davor Svetinovic and Michael W. Godfrey, "A Lightweight Architecture Recovery Process," SoftWare Architecture Recovery and Modelling
Cite "Attribute-Based Evolution Patterns for Product Lines"
author = "Davor Svetinovic and Michael W. Godfrey",
title = "Attribute-Based Evolution Patterns for Product Lines",
year = "2001",
booktitle = "Proc. of the WICSA-01 Workshop on Architecture Reconstruction and Product Lines"
Plain Text
Davor Svetinovic and Michael W. Godfrey, "Attribute-Based Evolution Patterns for Product Lines," WICSA-01 Workshop on Architecture Reconstruction and Product Lines
Cite "Growth, evolution, and structural change in..."
author = "Michael W. Godfrey and Qiang Tu",
title = "Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software",
year = "2001",
pages = "103–106",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution"
Plain Text
Michael W. Godfrey and Qiang Tu, "Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software," 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, pp. 103–106
Cite "Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar"
author = "Ahmed E. Hassan and Michael W. Godfrey and Richard C. Holt",
title = "Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar",
year = "2001",
booktitle = "Proc. of the 1st ICSE Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering"
Plain Text
Ahmed E. Hassan, Michael W. Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt, "Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar," 1st ICSE Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering
author = "Qiang Tu and Michael W. Godfrey",
title = "Representing Build-Time Software Architecture Views with UML",
year = "2001",
booktitle = "Proc. of the 2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML"
Plain Text
Qiang Tu and Michael W. Godfrey, "Representing Build-Time Software Architecture Views with UML," 2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML
author = "Q. Tu and Michael W. Godfrey",
title = "The build-time software architecture view",
year = "2001",
pages = "398-407",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. ICSM 2001
Plain Text
Q. Tu and Michael W. Godfrey, "The build-time software architecture view," Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. ICSM 2001, pp. 398-407