Representing Build-Time Software Architecture Views with UML

Authors: Qiang Tu Michael W. Godfrey

Venue: ICSE   2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML, 2001

Year: 2001

Abstract: We have found that some classes of software systems ex- hibit interesting and complex build-time properties that are not explicitly address by existing models of software architecture. In this paper, we briefly explain the idea of Build-Time Architectural Views, and demonstrate how to model them with extended UML notations.


    author = "Qiang Tu and Michael W. Godfrey",
    title = "Representing Build-Time Software Architecture Views with UML",
    year = "2001",
    booktitle = "Proc. of the 2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML"

Plain Text:

Qiang Tu and Michael W. Godfrey, "Representing Build-Time Software Architecture Views with UML," 2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML