Cite "JDuck: building a software engineering tool in..."
author = "Michael W. Godfrey and Dan Grossman",
title = "JDuck: building a software engineering tool in Java as a CS2 project: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin: Vol 31, No 1
year = "1999",
pages = "48–52",
journal = "ACM SIGCSE Bulletin",
volume = "31",
number = "1"
Plain Text
Michael W. Godfrey and Dan Grossman, "JDuck: building a software engineering tool in Java as a CS2 project: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin: Vol 31, No 1
," ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, pp. 48–52
author = "James P. D. Keast and Mark G. Adams",
title = "Visualizing Architectural Evolution",
year = "1999",
booktitle = "Proc. of ICSE-99 Workshop on Software Change and Evolution (SCE-99)
Plain Text
James P. D. Keast and Mark G. Adams, "Visualizing Architectural Evolution," ICSE-99 Workshop on Software Change and Evolution (SCE-99)