RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing

Authors: Mingzhe Wang Jie Liang Chijin Zhou Yu Jiang Rui Wang Chengnian Sun Jiaguang Sun

Venue: 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, pp. 147--159, 2021

Year: 2021

Abstract: Coverage-guided fuzzers use program coverage measurements to explore different program paths efficiently. The coverage pipeline consists of runtime collection and post-execution processing procedures. First, the target program executes instrumentation code to collect coverage information. Then the fuzzer performs an expensive analysis on the collected data, yet most program executions lead to no increases in coverage. Inefficient implementations of these steps significantly reduce the fuzzer’s overall throughput.


    author = "Mingzhe Wang and Jie Liang and Chijin Zhou and Yu Jiang and Rui Wang and Chengnian Sun and Jiaguang Sun",
    title = "RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing",
    year = "2021",
    pages = "147--159",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference"

Plain Text:

Mingzhe Wang, Jie Liang, Chijin Zhou, Yu Jiang, Rui Wang, Chengnian Sun, and Jiaguang Sun, "RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing," 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, pp. 147--159