On the evolution of Lehman's Laws

Authors: Michael W. Godfrey Daniel M. German

Venue: JSS   Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Vol. 26, No. 7, pp. 613–619, 2014

Year: 2014

Abstract: In this brief paper, we honor the contributions of the late Prof. Manny Lehman to the study of software evolution. We do so by means of a kind of evolutionary case study: First, we discuss his background in engineering and explore how this helped to shape his views on software systems and their development; next, we discuss the laws of software evolution that he postulated based on his industrial experiences; and finally, we examine how the nature of software systems and their development are undergoing radical change, and we consider what this means for future evolutionary studies of software. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


    author = "Michael W. Godfrey and Daniel M. German",
    title = "On the evolution of Lehman's Laws",
    year = "2014",
    pages = "613–619",
    journal = "Journal of Software: Evolution and Process",
    volume = "26",
    number = "7"

Plain Text:

Michael W. Godfrey and Daniel M. German, "On the evolution of Lehman's Laws," Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, pp. 613–619