Constraint-based automatic symmetry detection

Authors: Shao Jie Zhang Jun Sun Chengnian Sun Yang Liu Junwei Ma Jin Song Dong

Venue: ASE   2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 15-25, 2013

Year: 2013

Abstract: We present an automatic approach to detecting symmetry relations for general concurrent models. Despite the success of symmetry reduction in mitigating state explosion problem, one essential step towards its soundness and effectiveness, i.e., how to discover sufficient symmetries with least human efforts, is often either overlooked or oversimplified. In this work, we show how a concurrent model can be viewed as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and present an algorithm capable of detecting symmetries arising from the CSP which induce automorphisms of the model. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first approach that can automatically detect both process and data symmetries as demonstrated via a number of systems.


    author = "Shao Jie Zhang and Jun Sun and Chengnian Sun and Yang Liu and Junwei Ma and Jin Song Dong",
    title = "Constraint-based automatic symmetry detection",
    year = "2013",
    pages = "15-25",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)

Plain Text:

Shao Jie Zhang, Jun Sun, Chengnian Sun, Yang Liu, Junwei Ma, and Jin Song Dong, "Constraint-based automatic symmetry detection," 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 15-25