Automatic Recovery of Missing Issue Type Labels

Authors: Farida Elzanaty Christophe Rezk Sander Lijbrink Willem van Bergen Mark Cote Shane McIntosh

Venue: IEEESW   IEEE Software, pp. To appear, 2021

Year: 2021

Abstract: Agile software organizations empower developers to make appropriate decisions rather than enforce adherence to a process, resulting in incomplete and noisy data in software archives. Since software analytics techniques are trained using this data, automated techniques are required to recover it.


    author = "Farida Elzanaty and Christophe Rezk and Sander Lijbrink and Willem van Bergen and Mark Cote and Shane McIntosh",
    title = "Automatic Recovery of Missing Issue Type Labels",
    year = "2021",
    pages = "To appear",
    journal = "IEEE Software"

Plain Text:

Farida Elzanaty, Christophe Rezk, Sander Lijbrink, Willem van Bergen, Mark Cote, and Shane McIntosh, "Automatic Recovery of Missing Issue Type Labels," IEEE Software, pp. To appear